

Ever since I discovered him a few years ago, I considered Lasse Gjersten as one of the best webvideo creator out here on the wide web.
In order to make my point I'll mention hyperactive, Amateur or Jeg går en Tur - A self portrait by Lasse Gjertsen.

Well, he just published a new annimated music clip, It's really amazing and I really enjoyed it.

But this brings me to Katzenjammer, the band he made the animation for. Right after I watched the clip I wen't to iTunes store and bought their newest cd and I'm listening to it since :D. If you like tzigan - celtic - world - cartoons - rock pop mix , go ahead and listen to it ;)

2012, when the World'll go mad

I spent some time on Youtube (quite a lot actually) and poped on loads of bullshit bout 2012. Finally i got so pissed at all this shit that I desperately looked for some reasonable people somewhere on the web. I found some. Not on youtube, no, apparently there are only people with stupid ideas who have time to create videos on youtube to make theire point.

No, I found them on Wikipedia. and from there I browsed to Nasa who created a webpage juste because they got so much mails bout 2012, some even wanted to kill theselves for pete's sake, and then to this excellent wiki http://www.2012hoax.org. So spread the word! Nothing's going to happen in 2012.